We Fight Fraud
Filter ad scams with real-time detection & prevention solution
Your online safety is secured
Our vigilant ad fraud detection & prevention systems will pinpoint suspicious activities and exclude threats so that your ads will only be visible to real people.
We can prevent and block almost all types of fraud: bots and fraudsters neither see nor click the ad as the system will automatically abort the impression. It will not count the click or conversion.

How do we combat ad fraud?
Confronting a fraud without a clear strategy is a guaranteed way to fail. We have experienced and developed a great approach to fraud detection by combining diverse techniques.
These techniques include continuous monitoring, risk assessment, machine learning, and behavioural modelling.
Fraud prevention statistic

million fraudulent requests dismissed

million bot impressions cancelled

thousand fake clicks intercepted
Complete coverage for anti-ad fraud
You may rest assured that we have your back.

All device
We are consistently researching the typical patterns to a multitude of devices. This practice allows our system to uncover fraud regardless of your target device.
All Ad Format
No blind spots: our in-house technology allows you to recognize suspicious activities regardless of the ad format.
As we are well versed with the multiple strategies global scammers use, we have developed an appropriate countermeasure to identify their schemes.
How does clean traffic benefits you?
With anti-fraud protection, your cash will be spent strictly based on your set target. This way, your expenditure will be within your allocated marketing budget because your ads will only be accessible to real people.
You will get clear trends without any mocked data. Higher CTR reflects real visitors’ interest, not bots.
Clean statistics provided will assist you in comparing your ad campaign performance against your set benchmarks and KPIs. As a result, the allocated budget will be channelled wisely for better campaigns.